Friday, July 27, 2018

Syllabus: English Literature, Language and Composition

English Literature, Language, and Composition
Course Syllabus 2018-2019

Melanie Taylor, M.A.
Classroom: G5
Email: Melanie Taylor,
Our English classes will explore great literature, poetry, and speeches
as well as nonfiction.  
Students will develop excellent speaking and writing skills.
 Goals for our English Classes Grades 7-12:

Students will write well employing the writing process.
Students will locate, evaluate, and utilize viable sources for research.
Students will be capable digital citizens.
Students will conduct and present research both written and orally.
Students will write and speak using proper grammar.
Students will use new vocabulary words correctly, using context clues, knowledge of root words, and word origins as well as reference sources to decode and understand new words.
Students will read, assess, and respond to essential content in a variety of nonfiction and fiction texts and documents.
Students will define and identify literary terms.
Students will explain the format of drama and poetry/epic poetry.
Students will work collaboratively with other class members to enhance appreciation and comprehension of complex texts.

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English 7 will develop writing and speaking skills, reading for 
comprehension of both nonfiction and fiction, and use of grammar 
and literary devices. Literature will include poetry, novels, novellas,
drama, and short stories. Writing assignments will include essays,
informational, research projects and creative writing.

English 8 will develop writing and speaking skills, reading for
comprehension of both nonfiction and fiction, use of grammar
and literary devices. Literature will include poetry, novels,
novellas, drama, and short stories. Writing assignments will
include essays, informational, research projects and creative writing.

English 9 will develop writing and speaking skills, reading for
comprehension of both nonfiction and fiction, use of grammar and
literary devices. Literature will include poetry, novels, novellas,
drama, and short stories. Writing assignments will include essays,
informational, research projects and creative writing. Speaking skills
will include impromptu, extemporaneous and debate.

English 10 will study World Literature including poetry, novels,
novellas, drama, and short stories. Assignments will develop writing and
speaking skills, reading for comprehension of both nonfiction and fiction,
use of grammar and literary devices. Writing assignments will include
essays, informational, research projects and creative writing.
Speaking skills will include impromptu, extemporaneous and debate.
Students will be familiar with MLA.

English 11 will study American Literature including poetry, novels,
novellas, drama, and short stories. Assignments will develop writing
and speaking skills, reading for comprehension of both nonfiction and
fiction, use of grammar and literary devices. Writing assignments will
include essays, informational, research projects and creative writing.
Speaking skills will include impromptu, extemporaneous and debate,
and introduce American Rhetoric. Students will be familiar with MLA.

English 12: British Literature and Composition is a course designed
to prepare students for college in the areas of literary studies, vocabulary,
oral presentation, research, and writing. Curricula will include poetry,
novels,novellas, drama, and short stories and various nonfiction sources.
Assignments will develop writing and speaking skills, reading for
comprehensionof both nonfiction and fiction, use of grammar and
literary devices. Writing assignments will include essays, informational.
research projects and creative writing. Speaking skills will include
impromptu, extemporaneous and debate.
Students will be familiar with MLA.

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Students will daily bring
3 sharpened pencils and ‘pink pet’ type eraser
Black or blue pen
5 subject notebook for Interactive Notebook, college-ruled
3 different colored highlighters
Composition book for journaling
One time donation of one packet loose leaf paper, college-ruled for class resource.

Students will be assessed through cumulative tests,
formative assessments, quizzes,  homework assignments and classroomparticipation. There will be pop quizzes.
Outside reading and an interactive notebook will also contribute to grades.
Mastery of content is our goal.

Cumulative Tests                                      45%
Formative Tests and Quizzes                   35%
Homework and Classwork                        20%
Grading Scale

A+     97.5-100
A        94.5-97.4
A-       89.5-94.3
B+      86.5-89.4
B        83.5-86.5
B-       79.5-83.4
C+      76.5-83.5
C        73.5-76.4
C-       69.5-73.5
D+      66.5-69.4
D        63.5-66.4
D-       59.5-63.5
          F 59.4 and below

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Test Retake Policy
If a student scores under a 76% or lower on a test, the student,
not the parent, will need to speak with me within 5 days of
getting the test back to discuss options for improving his/her score.
The highest score a student can receive is a 77% after a retake.

When you return from an absence, it is your responsibility to make up
the work you missed. ALWAYS copy down missed assignments from
Google Classroom or from one of your classmates. Make sure you
write “absent” on the days you were gone. Turn in assignments that
were due into the appropriate late/absent letter tray or, if appropriate,
submit online. Make sure you write “absent” on the days you were gone.

a) Worksheet/handouts- pick up missed paperwork from the extra copies tray,
or duplicate them from online at home.
b) Notes-borrow and copy the notes from one of your classmates on your own time.
c) A TEST or Quiz- you have 5 days from the day you come back to arrange a time
to make it up with me.
If you know ahead of time that you are going to be absent for an extended period,
please give me at least 1 week notice to schedule an appropriate make-up test.
Late Work
If you do not turn in a major assignment on time, the grade you can receive
on the assignment will drop one letter grade for each day it is late. If you have a
late assignment that you have to turn in, write late on the assignment and turn it
into the appropriate late/absent tray or, if appropriate, submit online.

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Class Rules
  1. Listen and follow directions immediately.
  2. Begin each class on time with required assignments and resources.
  3. Raise hand and wait to be recognized to speak or get out of seat.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  5. Always show courtesy to staff and peers, respect the learning environment.
  6. Bullying in all forms is forbidden.

Students will receive four points for each class period for (2 points) listening and
(2 points) participation that will be calculated as part of the academic grade.

Consequence sequence during one class period: first offense-a reminder

redirect; second offense-acknowledgment of offense, loss of point noted
in teacher records; third offense, loss of point noted in teacher record,
parent contact. Beyond three offenses in one class period will bring loss of all
class points indicating chronic misbehavior requiring parent contact and/or meeting.

Severe misbehavior, i.e., very disruptive, dangerous, or brazenly disrespectful behavior,

will result in referral to office.

Students will observe all Victor Valley Christian School Rules and Expectations.


1.  Enter class punctually, with courtesy, prepared and focused to work.

2.  Homework is due at the start of class; or submitted online at required time.

3. Outside reading assignments will always be accomplished on time.

4.  No personal technology in class. School technology is handled carefully.

5.  Bottled water only, no other drinks, food or snacks.

6.  Pencils sharpened before class or with teacher permission only.

7.  Collaborative learning will always observe courtesy and group norms.

8.  Students
will be responsible to keep classroom library books in good condition and return them on time. If lost or destroyed, the book will be replaced by student.

Consider purchasing outside reading books from the Reading List.

These are excellent selections and could come in handy for college

Teacher Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:00 pm.
You may text, call or email.
If an emergency, contact the school office.

Parent Communication Form

Parents:  Please provide an email address and a daytime
telephone number that you would prefer I use to contact you
regarding your student’s progress and/or behavior.  

Please read and sign below, returning with your student.

Thank you. Ms. Taylor

______________________________ _____________________________  
Print Student Name Student Signature
                                                         Date ________________________

______________________________ ____________________________
Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Phone Number___________________________

Parent/Guardian E-mail Address__________________________________

Comments/Questions/Info on student




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