Thursday, February 7, 2019

Persuasive Essay Single-Point Rubric: Topic-the environment

Persuasive Essay Single-Point Rubric
English 12 P. 5 Taylor
2/8/19 In-Class Final Draft
Topic concerning the Environment

Concerns                                Criteria                              Advanced
Clear thesis statement

Data from sources cited in-text
supporting main points;
Works cited page

Usage, sentence structure,
punctuation without error


Single-Point Rubric Literary Analysis-writing about a novel

Literary Analysis Single-Point Rubric
English 11 P. 1 Taylor
2/8/19 In-Class Final Draft
The Red Badge of Courage

Literary Analysis Single-Point Rubric

English 10 P. 2 Taylor
2/8/19 In-Class Final Draft
Out of the Silent Planet

Literary Analysis Single-Point Rubric
English 9 P. 4 Taylor
2/8/19 In-Class Final Draft
The Old Man and the Sea

Concerns                                Criteria                              Advanced
Clear thesis statement

Quotes from work cited in-text (MLA)
Supporting main points

Usage, sentence structure,
punctuation without error


Literary Analysis Essay-let's check that rough draft

Rubric for Self-Assessment
Literary Analysis Essay
Grade 9 P. 4  English 9 Taylor
The Old Man and the Sea

Rubric for Self-Assessment
Literary Analysis Essay
Grade 11 P. 1 English 11 Taylor
The Red Badge of Courage

Rubric for Self-Assessment

Literary Analysis Essay
Grade 10 P. 2 English 10 Taylor
Out of the Silent Planet

                                                                                           Rating Scale
Criteria                                                   Not very                                  Very

How clearly is your thesis  stated?          1              2                3           4             5      

How effective and well-organized
is your support for your position?            1             2             3            4                  5

How well are your points
explained?                                                        1              2             3            4                  5

How well do your quotes fit your
points?                                                              1               2            3             4                  5

How accurate is your usage and
citation?                                                            1               2            3              4                  5