Friday, November 30, 2018

Finishing Up NaNoWriMo

Thank you, Chromebooks, for the experience.
Today we complete the month of November--all my English Classes from Grades 7 through 11--have  been writing a novel.

It is amazing. They have been full engaged.

Why? I ask myself.

I have tried to take away the common roadblocks to writing, being a writer myself I know them well.

No laziness. 
No hesitancy to get started. 
No procrastination. 
It's a classroom--I get to boss them into getting going!

The kids look forward to writing. Why?

Strong reading background.
Movies, media, television-lots of stories.
Video games--what? Yes, I think participating in video games is an ongoing story that involves some writing essentials and engagement. The intense focus of extended involvement may have conditioned the kids to writing fiction.

I worked to encouraged the students to imagine and write quickly, less worried about editing.

Liberty to try without the shackles of ELA.
For now

Using what we already know, I kept referring to a plot diagram.

 Write like a real author-everyone has a story.

I am grateful for the tech to do this--we have Chromebooks in the class.  This is great. This makes me happy.

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